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Democratise your data

Jul 18, 2024
Democratise your data

In a fast moving world getting the right data to the right person, at the right time, is critical for a company’s success. Data is no longer the preserve of senior management or the Business Intelligence / Analytics departments. And to really harness its potential data must be available to everyone. There has to be data democracy.

If managed effectively data delivers actionable insights directly into the hands of the user, all the way from the front-line to the boardroom. People don’t need to be analysts or excel wizards to take advantage of data – it just needs to be presented to them in a clear, easy to use format to help them with their daily work. Here’s six tips on how data can be democratised more effectively within an organisation.

  1. Data responsibility

    Make someone responsible for encouraging more use of data within the organisation. It doesn’t need to be a full-time job, just someone who can champion the cause of being data driven.

  2. Data strategy

    Develop a data strategy that links to and supports the overall business strategy. Focus on how data is to be collected, stored, managed and used.

  3. Training

    Data can be daunting, but it doesn’t need to be. Teach employees to be data literate and make it relevant to their job functions.

  4. Easy to use

    People don’t have time for complex systems especially if they’re not data specialists. Nor do they have time to be flicking between different screens to find an answer. Integrate your data wherever possible and adapt your data tools according to job role and seniority.

  5. Accessibility

    Remove the bottlenecks. Put data tools directly into the hands of the users. This will save time, money and resources, improve the quality and speed of decision making.

  6. Data driven

    Gut instinct is good, but it’s significantly more powerful when backed up by data.

Photo by News Data Services on Unsplash

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