Customer loyalty

Reducing churn with predictive analytics

Our client was concerned at high customer churn rates – they lost approximately 15% of their accounts each year. Their brand image suffered and sales teams spent a lot of time resolving customer complaints instead of selling.

Customer loyalty

The requirement

The client wanted to increase customer satisfaction by improving service quality and consistency. To achieve this they required a predictive tool that identified ‘at risk’ customers & the reasons for the at risk status so they could resolve issues and prevent customer churn rather than merely respond to it.

The solution

  • Data model predicts the likelihood of a customer leaving
  • Ranking of most ‘at risk’ customers
  • Explanations for each ‘at risk’ rating
  • Customer account teams have the opportunity to develop corrective actions before meeting the customer
  • Customer loss rates fell by 18% in the pilot country (USA) and the solution is being rolled out to other regions.
Technical specifications:
VMWare Virtual Server
Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Database: Oracle
Middleware: Apache Tomcat, Java
Frontend: Angular

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